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RobCo gains global venture capital company Lightspeed as a new investor! đŸŠŸ

We are proud to have added Silicon Valley legend Lightspeed as another investor as part of our new Series B financing round.
Vanessa Johnson

We are proud to be part of our new Financing round Series B The Silicon Valley legend Lightspeed to have won as another investor. Our previous strong partners Sequoia Capital, Kindred Capital and Promus Ventures are also involved in Series B and are supporting us on our journey Robotic automation for SMEs across Europe to revolutionize.


Our goal: the transformation of SMEs to Industry 4.0 with modular, intelligent and individual automation robotics. There is so much more to come soon, stay tuned! đŸ€–âœš


“We want to become a leader in Europe in the area of modular robotic automation for SMEs. We see ourselves as an extended arm of companies in automating their production and supporting the transformation towards Industry 4.0. The fact that a venture capital player like Lightspeed is supporting our next steps with a 39 million euro financing round shows us that we are on the right track — and is also an incredible motivation for all of us to take our solutions to the next level. ” (Roman Hölzl, CEO RobCo)


Sense, Reason, Act — autonomous and intelligent automation robotics for all companies


We see the continuous development of our modular robot platform for industrial use as crucial for overcoming current and future challenges in business and society. Our robots can already be set up, programmed and managed using software and AI. In the next step, we will make industrial robots even more autonomous and intelligent in their operational environment. With the RobCo autonomy approach, we rely on an even more in-depth AI implementation in our software. In the near future, our robots will be able to independently record and analyze their environment and plan and execute actions in accordance with the “Sense-Reason-Act” triad.


Click here for the press release


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RobCo Office Opening: Inauguration of New Office and Production Facilities in Munich

On June 27, 2024, the time had finally come: we celebrated the official opening of our new office and production space in the heart of the Bavarian capital. The event, which was attended by prominent guests such as German Finance Minister Christian Lindner and well-known investor Frank Thelen, marked another important step for us on our way to becoming the leading provider of modular robotics solutions in Europe.


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Use Case

Success Story with Frank PrÀzisionsstelle: Increasing Machine Capacity

After implementing RobCo, the company saw immediate improvements in its production capacity and efficiency. Output rose from 90 parts per day to 140 parts per day/night, which represents a significant increase. Capacity utilization has been increased from around 8-10 hours to 24 hours, which means that the machines are now running around the clock.


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Success Story with Brecht: Reduce Costs and Idle Time

Through Cooperation with RobCo, Brecht GmbH optimized its production processes, significantly increased machine utilization and thus achieved significant cost savings and more time for quality controls.