Introduction to Robotics: How Does a Robot Solve My Shortage of Skilled Workers?


Why do SMEs need to automate?

Shortage of skilled workers, local production and increased efficiency are just a few reasons why you should automate (even more) as a small or medium-sized company.

What about classic industrial robots and cobots?

We will explain to you why SMEs often get the wrong advice with a classic industrial robot and why a cobot is not right for you 98% of the time.

How is my competitor doing it?

Based on two real customer projects from metal processing companies, we will show you how to increase productivity and prevent a shortage of skilled workers with little investment.

Your introduction to robotics!

We'll take you by the hand and show you flexible rental models without risk as well as our complete solution from a single source. Start now and automate in 30 days.

Your experts

Roman Hölzl
Co-Founder & CEO
Franziska Herrmann
BD Manager

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